Keri Keri Rugby Club | Impact Prowear January 18 2016

Keri Keri RFC in New Zealand are another team who have decided to go with our Elite fitting rugby jerseys. These jerseys are designed to be fitted onto the body of the rugby player to ensure there is no excess fabric when worn. Our Elite jersey perfectly contours to the player's body, shoulders, neck and arms to maximize the comfort and fit for the wearer and reduce the amount of excess fabric that may be pulled or 'tugged' by an opposing player. All seams are flat stitched to increase strength but also to reduce any abrasion, perfect for improving performance on the rugby field! Our Elite fabric has a superb 4-way stretch allowing any body shape to fit easily into the jersey - contouring perfectly.
If your rugby team is looking for rugby jersey and rugby kit quotes, send us an e-mail to: today!